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22 The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

-Proverbs 10:22


"19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

- Matthew 6:19 - 21

Then said Jesus unto his 

disciples, Verily I say unto you,That a rich man shall hardly 

enter into the kingdom of 

heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel 

to go through the eye of a 

needle, than for a rich man 

to enter into the kingdom of


-Matthew 19:23-24


Where does your heart lie, Dearheart? Is it set on monetary gains or material acquisitions that you may achieve in this life time? If so, then the bible tells us that your treasures are being stored here upon Earth where your assets are temporal and vulnerable to potential theft and destruction.

Cheerful Seniors



Instead, Jesus cautions us to store our treasures in Heaven where they are guaranteed to last eternally. It's like investing into a 401k, but far better. We call it the 7k because 7 is one of God's favorite numbers, mentioned 490 times in the bible. In the Hebrew language, ‘seven’ is a word that means "sheva", derived from the root, "savah", which denotes the meaning of being "full or satisfied." And friends, there is no plan that will bring you everlasting satisfaction or fullness than the Fagee Eternal Life Insurance Plan.



Upon physical death, all Earthly acquisitions either fade away or are transferred to another individual. On Earth, if you lose an asset, you have to file a claim with your insurance company and fill out long, bothersome paperwork that must be first approved by the company before you receive a payout but heavenly acquisitions are Eternal. All that you have to do to claim them, once and for all, is to be present in Heaven with no hassle and no paperwork involved. Faith is all that is required and what you sow in Faith during this lifetime, you will reap in eternal rewards in the next.

Image by Noah Silliman

 "Set your affection on things 

above, not on things on the earth."

- Colossians 3:2



"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

- Hebrews 11:1

"Each man should give as he has decided in his heart. He should not give, wishing he could keep it. Or he should not give if he feels he has to give. God loves a man who gives because he wants to give."


- 2nd Corinthians 9:7

You may be asking, "How do I grow my faith so that I may sow a large Eternal harvest?" Glad you asked, Dearheart. If you planted a garden, would you expect to have a bountiful crop by the next morning? No, it takes time and careful attention to the nutriment of your seeds to grow a fruitful harvest and in order for your seeds to grow at all, they must first be planted into fertile soil. Fagee Ministries offers you the fertile soil in which to plant your eternal financial seeds, but it's up to you to cultivate that seed with the nutriment that will enable it to grow which is faith. The stronger the faith, the better the harvest.




But be warned, if you plant your seed and freeze it with doubt and distrust, then your seed will not grow because it won't receive the nourishment that faith brings and will thus be rendered null and void which will require you to plant a new seed of faith. You say, "But how can I plant a seed of faith when I've got bills to pay?" Bills are temporal earthly matters that are not eternal. As Colossians 3:2 reaffirms, we must set our minds on things above and not things on the Earth which are of no eternal consequence. We also know that time is short in this world. The End could be any day and bill collectors can't come calling in Heaven. 

Whatever Earthly assets you may have now or can obtain, whether it be via an existing wealthy bank account, maxing out your credit cards, a life insurance plan which you can afford to cash in, a home that you could take out a mortgage on or a car worth $1000 or more that you could donate to our Cars for the King program; now is the time to plant your seed and start growing your Eternal harvest in the nourishment of faith and planning for your Eternal Life Retirement. When you step through Heaven's Gates, you'll be glad you did!




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